Tuesday 19 October 2010


Postmodernism can mean many different things. It often refers to borrowing from previous texts and making it new. Postmodernist films are not like that of Hollywood, Hollywood films are carefully edited to make the audience forget that it is a film and feel like it is real. Postmodernism however constantly keeps the audience at arms length as a constant reminder that it is fiction. It draws attention to itself as being unique in construction, this makes it playful. It also uses intertextuality to blur the boundaries of different genres. It creates a relationship with the audience in making reference to their knowledge of film. Postmodernism can challenge the chronological order that events should take place, it rejects 'High Culture', such as opera performances as these can be formulaic, at the same time that high culture rejects postmodernism. The way it is laid about but takes a different approach to it. For example, in 'A Knight's Tale', set in medieval times, has a scene with 'We Will Rock You' playing. This mix of event order is what postmodernism is all about. Postmodern films can make us see that there don't always have to be generic rules that every film has to follow.

I hope to use postmodernism is my short film through the language used by the characters. I want them to make an explicit reference to a horror film, (the policeman saying to the suspect that he is acting as though they are in a film). This will enable to acting style to be a reference to already existing texts and the language confirming that. I aim to blur the boundaries or genre, with the two scenes intertwined, one being that of a typical horror with a masked killer, and the other scene being more of that of a crime thriller. Not in content but style of having a twist at the end similar to 'Law Abiding Citizen', being a crime thriller/action movie.

1 comment:

  1. Good overall here Emily.Try to demonstrate that you clearly understand the 'high culture' aspect of postmodernism near the end of the first paragraph. You need to proofread your writing in this post.
