Sunday 30 January 2011

Screen Shots

This picture demonstrates Rembrandt style side lighting. I have put it onto the suspect to show that he could maybe be responsible for the murder, even though throughout interrogation he has no side lighting to hint to the audience that he is innocent.

All of the scenes with the victim in it have high key lighting. I wanted it to be very bright so that she looked even more vulnerable and to show that there was no where for her to hide, he death was inevitable.

This shot uses very severe Rembrandt style side lighting to allude to the detective's evil side that killed his wife. I wanted him to look very sincere so that the audience could either think it was because he is upset or because he is guilty. The contrast in the strong light to the very shadowed background shows that he is in the shadows, as the shits with the suspect are much brighter to show his innocence.

This shot has a high contrast in light. It shows his face to be very exposed but his body shadowed. This was also to demonstrate his dark side. The camera angle was made to make him seem of higher status and power, to show that he is able to get away with the crime he has commited.

The severe lack of shadowing on his face here shows his innocence, and the shadow behind him to show that he had a bad past, his drugs past, but that he did not commit this crime. The background is significantly lighter to show that he is the innocent one.

This shot is at the beginning of the film, with not much shadowing on his face. It then progresses to the end of the film with the shot below with spreading darkness across his face to show his dark side getting worse and his evil side growing.

Monday 24 January 2011


My second attempt at filming took place on Friday 21st January. I temporarily re-wallpapered my lounge with lining paper so that the walls were white and set up my table and chairs there. Not only was the location more convenient as it was closer to home but as the room was smaller, the sound and lighting was a lot easier to control. I felt that in my second attempt I have learnt a lot from the first. The lighting is so much better as it really depicts the characters' personalities well which my first attempt did not capture. I also changed the location of the chase scene as previously it was too dark.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Filming and Location

I filmed the interrogation scene in my film on Monday 10th January. My locations are set in two different places, and I aim to film the next part on Friday 21st January. My first location that was used last night is a garage unit at Stansted. Although quite far away, the room was perfect for what I wanted. Within the unit there is a car spraying room, a plain white walled room with very heavy lighting, so not to cast any shadows when spraying the cars. This was perfect for my film, as it was so bright, which was what I wanted for parts of it, I thought it was easier to control the lighting.

Here are some pictures of my location at Stansted:

Problems I encountered
The morning of filming, one of my characters cancelled on the evening's plans, so I had to substitute them very quickly, somebody who could come to Stansted with me for the whole evening, luckily someone was available. Other problems were that I did actually try to film the outside scenes, but due to the time of year, it soon got very dark, meaning that the shots were barely visible, they will have to be redone on the later date stated above. In the unit, moving the camera around became difficult due to the tight spacing in the room. Alongside this, I had to light my suspect's face without casting light on the detective's face, although after a while of moving the halogen lamps, I eventually got the lighting I required.

When filming, I decided to add a few extra shots. I decided that it would be strange for the victim's husband to be interviewing the suspect, as this would not be allowed in real life. So I added a scene where the policeman and the detective have a discussion about why he shouldn't be there. I added a scene where they are both smoking, because I felt that this helped to build up some tension between the characters, in the way that a cigarette is offered to the suspect and how it is received. I have also altered my opening credits. I have made it so we get views of all the characters' face from both sides and forward with them holding their hands up as if to be holding something, in the editing process, their names will appear between their hands.

When watching the shots back, none of them real encompassed what I wanted from the lighting aspect of mise-en-scene. As the room was built to cast no shadows it was very hard to control the shadowing on people's faces and in the room where appropriate. For this reason I am going to film the interrogation scene again on Friday 21st January in my house in a room that will be cleared and made to look like an interrogation room. As it is just a normal room, controlling the light will be much easier.

Monday 17 January 2011

My Animatic

This is my animatic/storyboard that will help me in the filming process. It shows my shots with writing underneath describing what I want in the shots. It shows shot lengths, and ideas for transitions in the editing process.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Intended Audience

Short films are not typical Hollywood movies. For this reason, their content is often not conventional and maybe even obscure. For this reason, an audience would not be those who seek out mainstream narratives and plot lines. I would expect them to be slightly better educated as they would not be those who just absorb what the media gives them, having films pushed on to them using web 1.0. My intended audience will be those from 18 upwards, maybe with a cut off of about 40, as this will be the age range my characters could fall in, thus meaning it can be relatable. But also, the plot line is of such a nature that it would appeal to these age ranges.


This is how I want my male characters to look:

I didn't want their costumes to give anything away about the characters as I wanted the audience to have their own ideas about who they think is guilty, this is why all of their clothes are very plain. The appearance of my female subject is not necessarily important, only that she will be wearing red to connote danger. I wanted all my male subjects to look suspicious in some way through the use of make up.


Here are the props that are to be used the my film:

Car stereo, tape recorder

2 plastic cups






Magazine cuttings