Monday 22 November 2010

Character Profiles

All of my characters have been chosen very carefully, they are either doing an A-Level in drama or have previous experience of acting, which I have witnessed and am very much satisfied with.

Name: Sadam Yousef
Character Name: Detective Logan
Occupation: Detective Policeman
Appearance: Dark, sincere, experience in the nature of hard interrogations. He must look confident and comfortable in his surroundings by looking intimidating to the innocent suspect.

His overall impression should be that of a grieving husband trying to track down his wives killer. Although he looks innocent, there should be something about him that could lead to audience to guess what he is truly capable of.

His dress will be smart, suit trousers with a tie and shirt, but without a blazer. He needs to looks slightly flustered with the whole situation, after all, his wife has been murdered. It will just be a black suit with white shirt, he needs to look as though he can blend into society to make it clear that he will get away with his crime. To dress him in something brighter would make him stick out, and to stick out could suggest that people know. I may decide to put dark make up around his eyes to make him look darker, but I don't want it to look too obvious.

Name: Oliver Buckner
Character Name: Scott Turner
Occupation: Unemployed, nobody in society, ex-convict
Appearance: My character will have to look scruffy and poor, as though he may still have a drug problem from his previous conviction, he will look slightly dirty as well. He will twitch in a way that makes him look slightly crazy and will lead the audience to believe that he is guilty. I will place the twitches and flinches carefully after the shots of the murder, so that it looks like the shots are in his head and he is remembering it. He will be wearing scruffy clothes possibly with holes in them to make him look poorer.

His ex-conviction will be the main focus of his appearance and will be the thread to the link between the suspect and the victim.

Name: Rosie Egan
Character Name: Isabella Logan
Occupation: Housewife
Appearance: Beautiful, average housewife, normal height and build. She will be wearing the sort of clothes that would be worn around the house, casual, comfortable clothes, to make it look as though she has literally ran straight out of the house in a desperate panic. She will have to be scared but still maintaining the beauty, this is so that it can be left open to interpretation as to why she was killed, had she cheated on her husband?

Name: Thomas Gudgeon
Character/Occupation: Policeman
He has a small role, he accompanies the detective through occupation. He is below the detective in roles within the workplace, which shows when he does whatever he says.

He will be wearing plainblack trousers, a whites shirt, black tie and black jumper.

1 comment:

  1. Good Emily! Think about adding drawings to your blog so that you demonstrate your fine attention to detail with regard to costumes, make-up and hairstyles.
